
Monday, May 10, 2010

First garment finished.

Burda 7590

I finished these pants tonight. There are good and bad things about them. When I look down at them I don't like them. However, when I look at them in a picture or in the mirror I do like them. Go Figure. I liked the fit that I managed to accomplish. I love the straight legs. (All of the pants in this wardrobe have straight legs).
I HATE the fabric. Stretch Gabardine. It looks ugly, and it feels gross. The most frustrating about this fabric is it stretches the wrong way. I always assumed that fabric stretches against the grain. This stretches on the grain. As a result the length stretches and the width doesn't. When I sewed them all together they were too small. I had to take them all apart and sew then with 1/4 inch seams rather then 5/8.
Next in like to make is the Burda 7487 blouse. I love this blouse and the fabric I am making it out of. But I am not sure if I like them with these pants anymore. I might make a flowey tunic for these pants. For now I am moving forward with the original plan.


Unknown said...

I think you should wear them several times and get used to them. They look pretty darn *GOOD* from here :) Great job!! These are next up for me.

Linda L said...

Look good to me. I am always impressed with those who sew pants as I never have gotten a good fit and just chose to not tackle pants. Maybe one day.

Amy said...

Thank you Ladies, your comments have made my day.
Linda.. The whole time I was making these pants I was thinking that they would be a great pattern for a person who is working out pants fitting. Even if it is not your style they are easily taken apart and put back together.
Good Luck on these pants Leora Louise, I can wait to see them. What are you making them out of?